The Sounds of Recovery
Bill W. said that the heartbeat of AA
beats when one drunk talks to another. While there is much
to be gathered from reading AA literature, there is no
replacement for one-on-one contact with other members.
Included here you will find links to Real Time Audio
meetings, audio downloads of the AA Cofounders last talks, and
much more!
SoberVoices, a very unique Site that allows real time
participation in AA and recovery related meetings.
Bill Wilson's Last Talk
On July 5th, 1970 Bill W. gave his last talk
at the 5th International AA Convention in Miami Florida. You can
now hear his last talk. Bill W's words, as recorded for
posterity are available here. Enjoy this true AA Treasure!
Listen to the AA Big Book
The recovery Zone has compiled one of the most
unique collections on the Web. Click the Recovery Zone
logo to listen to the Big Book. You'll need RealPlayer
to maximize your listening experience!
Recovery Net Radio
Listen to daily Recovery News, live recovery
talk, and much much more!
Yes, I want to
Dr. Bob's Last Talk
On July 3rd 1950 Dr Robert Holbrook Smith gave
his last public talk at the First International AA Convention in
Cleveland Ohio.
You can now hear his last talk. Dr. Bobs words, as recorded for
posterity are available here.
Dr. Paul O.
Author or Dr, Alcoholic
Addict, BB 3rd Edition
Here is a heartwarming, funny
and poignant
talk that Dr. Paul
Gave. You'll laugh, smile,
and possibly
cry at this one!
Recorded June 2, 1990
A Bill W. Speech From 1952
In 1952, Bill W. Gave this speech that touches
on everything from the early Oxford Group connection, Bill's
association with Ebby T. and early AA history. Bill talked about
his early association with Towns Hospital, meeting Dr. Bob and
much, much more! You'll need Real
Player for this one!
The most reachable place
on Earth for recovery audio in an "on demand"
streaming-media format.
Free 12 Step Speaker Tapes
A Great Collection of 12 step audio files representing AA
and other 12 step fellowships!.
Here To Listen!

No matter our circumstances today, let's
thank God for what we have.
~Anonymous |