AA & Alcoholism Factoids
Did you know that Bill Wilson was recognized
as one of the
Top 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century by
Time Magazine?
Did you know that the One Millionth copy of
the Big Book was given to then
President Richard M. Nixon in a white House Ceremony?
The Book was presented to the President by
Dr. Jack Norris, a Non-Alcoholic Trustee
It was suggested by friend and AA Member Tom
Pike that Nixon apply the 12 steps to
his life at the time of the Watergate controversy.
The 51st A.A. General Service Conference [at
the Crowne Plaza Manhattan, April 22-28, 2000]
approved the Fourth Edition of the Big Book,' Alcoholics
About 43% of adults in the US (76 million
people) have had a parent, child,
sibling or spouse who is or was an alcoholic.
An estimated 6.6 million children under the
age of 18 years live in households
with at lease one alcoholic parent.
Two-thirds of the population consumes
alcohol, but 10% of drinkers
drink half of all alcohol consumed
Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths
annually, making it the third leading
cause of preventable death in this country